
Friday, December 7, 2007

Paris comes to south beach so we all can see her new.....

HANDBAG!!! This is how you know your life really has no substance when your main purpose for partying that night is so the paparazzi can take photos of your new Handbag!! Now the bag is fabulous but at some point i think Paris needs a new project.... we all know hitting the clubs that she's been too thousands of times can only mean a couple of things...she's sad, lonely, and really needs something or someone to do.....

Most of these things would lead the normal person to depression but she has a non stop paparazzi clan that can boost her self esteem instantly when she walks outside ...they serve as the human form anti-depressant..but when the cameras stop flashing which i doubt they ever will..Paris could very well suffer a break down....I call this Rich Camera Whore Syndrome!!