
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

blind Items..Take your Guess

1. Lets call this one Blister Baller

On the court, he is one of the best in the game. Off the court, when he has a couple of drinks, he likes to expose his private parts which are allegedly covered in blisters.

He's also considered a violent drunk. He likes to destroy property and he's verbally and sometimes physically abusive to those in his inner circle.

This baller is so sleazy, we are getting dual reports that he transmits chlamydia and herpes. He is a walking health epidemic and doesn't give a damn.

Recently, away from the public and behind closed doors, he's booking escorts because of their promiscuity, this way, if they ever try to sue him for transmitting one of his STD's, he has a built in defense: With her background, she may have infected me and she was probably infected by one of her numerous clients.

Despite his wealth and fame, a few escorts won't see him because after he drinks from his silver flask, he becomes argumentative and violent.

We reported in a prior blind item that a celebrity likes to have sex in the dark because of his under-endowment but this baller is having sex in the dark so women won't notice his blisters.

Hints: It's "not" Allen Iverson and you don't have to be a basketball fan to know who he is.


This Hollywood female is more known for her drug abuse (cocaine and heroin) than her career. Behind closed doors, execs consider her a bad joke.

What few people know, although she's been linked with men, when she was super strung out, she was discreetly sleeping with a white actress who once appeared on a very popular TV series. These two were secret lovers for at least a year but the actress moved on to a richer sugar mama.

Her favorite form of recreation was snorting heroin enroute to a Lakers game. The fast paced action on the floor while being high on heroin was the ultimate high. It was even rumored that due to sinus issues from snorting heroin, she shot up a few times before her most recent rehab vist.

Although she puts on a drug-free front, away from the cameras, she continues to use while she stumbles her way through life.

Who is she?


Anonymous said... appeared on the The Adam Carolla Show and disclosed the following:

Jessica Alba (before she was Jessica Alba) used to date Derek Jeter, the serial celebrity dater, who plays for the NY Yankees. Well, our source worked for Cash Warren, her ex, and had to refill her Valtrex prescription for her on a regular basis! Guess who she got it from…that’s right…dirty Derek Jeter.

You know what this means don’t YOU?!! All of his other famous relationships could have contracted the STD TOO! Derek’s most famous sexual conquest include Mariah Carey, Jessica Alba, Vanessa Minnillo and most recently Jessica Biel. Which means JT could have it AAAHHH!!

The Herpes Simplex disease is sexually transmitted. Herpes can be contracted through direct skin contact with an infected person. The virus travels through tiny breaks in the skin or mucous membranes in the mouth (HSV-1) and genital areas (HSV-2), however healthy skin and mucous membranes are normally an effective barrier to infection.

However, in the case of mucous membranes, even microscopic abrasions are sufficient to expose the nerve endings into which the virus splices itself. This is why most herpes transmission happens in mucous membranes, or in areas of the body where mucous membranes and normal skin merge (e.g., the corners of the mouth).

Individuals like Derek Jeter, who are known to sleep with various women, who in turn could be labeled as “promiscuous”, stand greater odds of contracting and passing on Herpes Simplex disease