
Friday, January 4, 2008

A Spritual Wedding for Eddie and Tracey Edmonds

Pulease!!! Eddie the "alleged" Tranny lover and Tracey the rich ex wife of babyface are spritually married now..This sham of a wedding so called took place in BORA BORA

Here is what Tracey's Rep had to say The wedding that took place in Bora Bora was a ceremony to bind Eddie and Tracey spiritually in the presence of family and friends. The couple plan a legal ceremony as soon as they return to the States.

My question is you people live in the states why didnt you get married here first.. then have your spiritual whatever in Bora Bora...Eddie doesnt even take care of his kid Tracey and you know this... so in my book this makes you just much as a loser as he is...